The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Monday, October 26, 2009

John Discussion Questions

John Discussion Questions for Class #18

Text: John 13:1-38 [*To fully understand the context of John chapter 13, please read Matthew 20:20-28 and Luke 22:24-30 before you read John 13 and answer the following questions.]

1. What time period in the life of Jesus are we dealing with in chapter 13?

2. In verse 1, who is the scripture saying that Jesus loved?

3. Who was responsible for the idea of betrayal in Judas' heart?

4. Can what happened to Judas happen to any disciple (see Hebrews 3:12-13)?

5a. List the lessons that Jesus teaches His disciples by washing their feet?

5b. List at least one way you can apply this teaching of Jesus in your own life.

6. What troubled Jesus in verse 21 and why did it trouble Him?

7. Could Judas have repented of His sin at this time?

8a. Jesus talks of a new commandment in verses 34-35. Explain how the apostles would keep this commandment.

8b. Does this commandment (in verses 34-35) apply to Christians today? Please explain your answer.

9. From verses 36-38 we see Peter saying he will lay his life down for the Lord. Then Jesus tells how Peter would deny Him 3 times. Is this behavior of Peter common in man today? Please explain your answer.

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